時尚| 讓你隨時美又時尚的小物

➤ Makeup Eraser®原創魔法卸妝巾-隨身七件組-專業黑
有 follow 10月份#RUBY說好用的朋友一定對這品牌不陌生,這次有限定的時尚黑色。
➤ 珍煮丹 X Taiwan SPCA 環保吸管
手搖飲料店與台灣防止虐待動物協會 Taiwan SPCA一起合作推出的環保吸管,可以隨身攜帶著走,只要到珍煮丹門市加購或是直接購買就可以把它們帶回家!( 販售的金額會全數捐給Taiwan SPCA)
➤ United Arrows 真空保溫杯
➤ Coen 保溫隨身瓶
瓶身上是 Coen 的標誌人物 Coen 熊,不知道為為什麼拿著它有一種想要出遊踏青或是露營的感覺。
➤ hyphy 健身圈 &彈力帶
健身圈兩側有設計一體成型的塑膠握把,方便外出攜帶! 獨特的色彩設計也是其它地方沒有看過的!
➤ FRESH O2 x 許允樂
這隻只送不賣的眉毛夾,只要到Fresh O2官網上購買整組小樂的唇釉就可以得到它!
大家可以仔細發現身邊週遭的美物越來越多,也越來越多人更注重生活品質,就想早期 IG 也是因為美照而盛行,期待之後有更多品牌將時尚設計融入環保等物品,若能將許多原本就很有特色的物品、景點,再次翻新設計後能讓更多人接受和認識都能更有新滋味!
I LAUNCHED MY EMCEE CAREER AT LIU ENTERTAINMENT IN 2017. I served as a curator-in-chief for a renowned beauty website and beauty editor for beauty & lifestyle magazines for seven years before embarking on my journey in the entertainment industry with appearances in famous commercials, micro-films and theatre performances. After an appearance in the wildly popular Korean SBS reality show “Roommate”, I was invited to be the host of the TV program “GoGo MRT” shown worldwide and casted alongside major Taiwanese stars in hit TV dramas such as FTV “Justin Heroes” and SET “Hello Again”. Now active as a host, actress and influencer, I have since cooperated with elite clients across various fields such as top luxury brands, fashion and beauty houses, international banks and finance, and automotive and wine industry. My works with international powerhouse brands include Coach, Swarovski, Tasaki, Redline, Estee Lauder Group, L’Oréal Group, Shiseido Group, Kose Group, Amore Pacific Group, Aston Martin, McLaren, BMW, Yamaha, Macallan, Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank, Star World Airlines, Singapore aviation and more. My social media outreach and passion for travel were recognized by a number of governmental and official agencies, and I served as a travel and lifestyle influencer for the Thailand Tourism Board, the Singapore Tourism Board, Cola Tourism, Studio City Macau, and the Bicester Village Collection in Europe. My role as an ambassador allowed me to promote various top restaurants, luxurious hotels and some of the world’s best tourist attractions to tourists and avid travelers. I’m very honored to have worked with an amazing list of brand partners, and also I’ve been featured in some of my favorite print and online publications including Città Bella, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, VoCE, Vogue, and more. I’m open to all forms of cooperation. For business inquiries, contact [email protected] Sincerely, Ruby Liu