時尚| 收藏家請注意!只送不賣、有錢都買不到的夢幻逸品!

以下將分享眼明手快比有錢還重要的 夢幻贈禮。

地址: 台北市中山區復興南路一段24號
再來是近期最夯的Hermès 香水與彩妝快閃店,唇膏跟香水本篇不多做介紹,照片上的愛馬仕絲巾手鍊竟然也是只送不賣!
TWILLY 絲巾手鍊總共有兩款樣式,只要在香水與彩妝快閃店上消費滿 $8,000 就可以免費得到一條,像是買1 瓶香水+2支唇膏就達到門檻了。
( 快閃店開幕首賣那幾天沒去搶的朋友們請注意,現在的贈禮手鍊已經換成小香水了 )

COACH Holiday 限定主題快閃店
SABON 今年推出的胡桃鉗幻遊系列超級夢幻,還與手作品牌『木客. 微光 』推出了暖燭燈!
只要先預繳 $3800,就可以到櫃上親手製作屬於自己的「原木暖燭燈」,重點是預繳$3800 的預約金可以全部抵消當日的消費!等於是買了$3800 的 SABON 商品之外,還可以再把暖燭燈免費帶回家,是不是很佛心的活動!
建議大家要趕緊手刀去SABON 櫃上預約,這個沒拿到真的會捶心肝。
今年的 「Pasha de Cartier 探索自我特展」活動因為疫情關係雖然沒有以往的盛大,但是活動內容和場地還是設計的很用心。,
參加的賓客收到的禮物是一個黑色托特包上面別著幾枚特色別針,像是4 個斗大的阿拉伯數字時標、用Freedom 框出圓中帶方的鮮明外型設計等,呈現出Pasha 標誌性的設計靈感 & 細節!
很喜歡Cartier 每年準備的小禮物,去年是一個白色款的布袋也非常實用!
今年袋子裡還放了一幅這次主題的畫作:Pasha 腕錶圓中帶方的經典元素,畫框也很有份量質感!這是參加活動才有機會得到的贈禮。
每年Cartier 都會有高規格的展覽,還都是免費開放大家參觀,有興趣的話也可以看看之前寫過的 Into the Wild 豹影迷蹤展。下次舉辦大展時大家別錯過觀展機會!
原本已經要發文了結果又來了一個 DARPHIN 巴黎耶誕雪花球
順帶跟大家說12/30 之前到MARAIS 瑪黑家居敦南門市的DARPHIN 活動佈置現場拍照上傳貼文在FB/IG,
打卡地點設定「瑪黑家居台北敦南店」和Hashtag「#darphintw #朵法巴黎聖誕點燈」
禮物有瑪黑餐酒節慶熱紅酒特調200ml 兌換券乙張、朵法甘菊芳香精露1.4 ml
活動地點:MARAIS瑪黑家居敦南門市 (台北市松山區敦化南路一段57-1號)
營業時間:週一至週日 11:00 – 20:00
I LAUNCHED MY EMCEE CAREER AT LIU ENTERTAINMENT IN 2017. I served as a curator-in-chief for a renowned beauty website and beauty editor for beauty & lifestyle magazines for seven years before embarking on my journey in the entertainment industry with appearances in famous commercials, micro-films and theatre performances. After an appearance in the wildly popular Korean SBS reality show “Roommate”, I was invited to be the host of the TV program “GoGo MRT” shown worldwide and casted alongside major Taiwanese stars in hit TV dramas such as FTV “Justin Heroes” and SET “Hello Again”. Now active as a host, actress and influencer, I have since cooperated with elite clients across various fields such as top luxury brands, fashion and beauty houses, international banks and finance, and automotive and wine industry. My works with international powerhouse brands include Coach, Swarovski, Tasaki, Redline, Estee Lauder Group, L’Oréal Group, Shiseido Group, Kose Group, Amore Pacific Group, Aston Martin, McLaren, BMW, Yamaha, Macallan, Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank, Star World Airlines, Singapore aviation and more. My social media outreach and passion for travel were recognized by a number of governmental and official agencies, and I served as a travel and lifestyle influencer for the Thailand Tourism Board, the Singapore Tourism Board, Cola Tourism, Studio City Macau, and the Bicester Village Collection in Europe. My role as an ambassador allowed me to promote various top restaurants, luxurious hotels and some of the world’s best tourist attractions to tourists and avid travelers. I’m very honored to have worked with an amazing list of brand partners, and also I’ve been featured in some of my favorite print and online publications including Città Bella, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, VoCE, Vogue, and more. I’m open to all forms of cooperation. For business inquiries, contact [email protected] Sincerely, Ruby Liu